Emmaus Junior Eagles Girl's Volleyball Camp

(Girls only - Grades 5-8)

Join Emmaus Volleyball for two days of skill development and fun geared toward the middle school player!

The EBC coaching staff, led by Hannah Richter and Megan Baily, will provide quality instruction, assessing your camper's skill and helping them take their technique and knowledge of the game to the next level!

The curriculum and schedule of Junior Eagles Volleyball Camp will expose your child to passing, receiving and serving activities, scrimmages and biblical themes each day, designed to:

Join us this summer for Junior Eagles Volleyball Camp!

Dates: Monday-Tuesday, June 3-4
Grades: Entering grades 5-8
Times: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM (Lunch not included)
Cost: $75.00 for first child*. $50.00 for the second child. Child #3 or more is Free.

Emmaus Bible College
2570 Asbury Rd.
Dubuque, IA 52001
Pollard Fieldhouse (parking lot at the back of campus)

What to Bring

  1. Fun-loving and teachable attitude!
  2. Athletic attire, sneakers & water bottle